
11th Focus on Practive Meeting @Deutsche Bahn

Jenny Zeller, head of Deutsche Bahn Academy, has been so kind to invite us to Potsdam for our next Focus on Practice meeting, which will take place on January 23/24 2019. You will find  details about the agenda and logistics in the event section of our website, where you also can download the detailed program. if you would like to attend, please register via the Eventbrite portal, latest by December 20.

The meeting will provide the opportunity to deep-dive into the learning and transformation challenges of Deutsche Bahn, with special emphasis on the changing role of HR and the interplay of L&D with other units that help to drive innovation and change. In particular, we will tackle questions such as

  • how to support a workforce of 300,000 people on their way to the digital future?
  • what is the role and contribution of IT-related  efforts in the overall scenario of digital transformation? How does it relate do L&D?
  • How can we best structure the collaboration with various entities that drive change?

In addition to the above, we will also have the opportunity to discuss with Jenny and her team how they experience the first months of working as a holacracy, in total self-organization – a bold move the DB Academy took earlier this year. 
