
NEW: Virtual ECLF Round Tables

To enhance the value of our network, we are launching a new online meeting format - facilitated virtual ECLF Round Tables which will feature a carefully curated group of 3-5 panelists who will share their perspectives and experiences on issues that are relevant to the future of L&D.

The panels will consist mainly of ECLF members, and their composition will change depending on the topic we discuss. Occasionally we will also invite an external thought leader to spark the conversation. The sessions will be open 
in a listening only mode for interested employees of all ECLF member companies as well as for invited guests, with the possibility for virtual Q&A. We plan for 5-6 of such Round Tables per year.

To align the topics of the sessions as closely as possible to your areas of professional interest, we are conducting a quick polling exercise to learn about preferences. The results will be an indicator for what is currently on the minds of senior L&D executives. 
