We strive to make a difference among the plethora of conferences, round tables, consortia, and networks. Here is what to expect:

Conversations across functional boundaries

Expect to look beyond the boundaries of your profession. Creating an agile organization concerns virtually all areas of company. This is why we encourage a meaningful discourse between stakeholders from various functions who can contribute to building a culture of innovation, change, and learning. Spreading the dialogue beyond the boundaries of Human Resources is important to move the practice of corporate learning to a new paradigm.


Curated community

Expect to meet only senior leaders from large and global organizations who have a strategic role when it comes to addressing learning and transformation challenges. These are typically executives responsible for talent, leadership, organizational development, or learning; business executives who lead strategic change and transformation projects; and other internal stakeholders who play a major role in creating agile and responsive organizations.



Expect to be among peers. ECLF membership is only granted to senior executives from corporations and large non-profit organizations. No business schools, no consulting firms, no other service providers. This allows for true peer-to-peer discourse in a culture of openness and trust, free of vested interests.


By invitation only

Expect to be invited. ECLF is designed to assure that participants meet their peers - key decision makers from the very top level of the community. Guests can attend our meetings only by personal invitation, and Forum membership requires approval.


Interactive, with tangible output

Expect to engage. ECLF gatherings are not a series of speeches and presentations, but an interactive and collaborative platform for a thoughtful yet impact-oriented discourse among peers. While we will draw on external experts to stimulate thinking, the core of our conversations is based on the knowledge, experience, and the creative inputs of our members.


Creating the future

Expect to set the future agenda for transformational learning. ECLF conversations and initiatives are driven by creating a shared understanding about the changing contexts complex organizations have to deal with, and how to best address the resulting capability gaps. Each year, we conduct a survey among 200+ corporations to get insights on relevant topics. In addition, ECLF is an umbrella for member-driven working groups and consortia projects that address some of the burning issues of in a very tangible way.


Organizations Face Big Challenges

In a highly interconnected world of global networks, organizations are continuously faced with disruptive forces that require just-in-time strategic responsiveness. Thriving in this context is very challenging for large organizations that often struggle with bureaucracy and inertia, a culture of silos, slow response times, and more.

Most senior leaders are keenly aware of these challenges; they know that they need to

  • Create an agile and responsive organization, structurally and culturally
  • Innovate not only on products but also processes and business models
  • Grow the right talent and develop leadership bench strength
  • Learn and transform faster than the competition


We Ask Big Questions

Mastering these challenges requires not just new capabilities but a new approach to capability development itself. We need to transcend the traditional functional boundaries of HR, strategy, and operations. To do so, ECLF addresses questions such as:

  • What does it take to develop leaders and a leadership culture that matches the challenges of the 21st century organization? What kind of organization do we need?
  • How do companies drive change and transformation today? What best practices are out there?
  • How do major corporations design their learning architecture so it can become an engine for strategic and organizational change? Are corporate universities an answer?
  • How can we create governance models that combine global alignment with regional and business focus?
  • How can C-level executives leverage learning to drive transformation within their organizations? What role do they need to play?
  • How do we need to redesign the partnership architecture between companies and external providers? From internal stakeholders to the multibillion dollar industry of business schools, consultancies, software firms, training firms, coaches, and more?
  • How does social technology change the game, and what underlying social infrastructure is required to leverage its potential?

We are proud that ECLF has grown into a premier independent platform for innovating the practice of Corporate Learning and Transformation, setting the global agenda for how to build sustainable strategic capabilities into organizations.


The idea of ECLF is to provide an intellectually and socially inspiring environment that encourages in-depth discourse on key issues, mutual support for dealing with practical challenges, and innovative project initiatives that shape the future of our practice.

We aim to achieve this through the following mix of activities and enablers:


ECLF meetings

ECLF meetings are top level, invitation only events that provide a face-to-face platform for all members and selected guests to explore selected topics, share practical experiences, launch new initiatives, and build and deepen relationships. The design of the meetings is highly interactive and is developed in close collaboration with a member-composed design team. Meeting formats include

  • An Annual Summit that focuses on strategic issues of the profession
  • A Focus on Practice meeting that is dedicated to mutual learning from member practices
  • A Focus on Thought Leadership meeting that allows for an in-depth dialogue with an expert whose thinking significantly contributes to the development of the field.


Virtual Round Tables (VRTs)

VRTs feature a carefully curated group of 3-5 panelists who share their perspectives and experiences on strategic issues that are relevant to the practice and the future of transformational learning in large and complex organizations.  Panels consist mainly of ECLF members, occasionally an external thought leader is invited to spark the conversation. 

VRTs are open for all employees from ECLF member companies as well as for invited guests. Video recordings of the sessions as well as a written summaries of key insights are available in the online Archive. ECLF hosts 4-5 Virtual Round Tables per year.


Annual Survey

ECLF conducts an annual survey among the Heads of L&D from 200 global corporations to learn about their perspective on selected topics related to Corporate Learning and Development. The results are presented at ECLF meetings and provide a basis for launching our discourse on these issues. All survey results are available in our online archive.


ECLF member projects and initiatives

ECLF is an umbrella for member driven working groups, consortium projects or other initiatives that foster the mission of our community. Projects are typically initiated and organized by one or more members, while ECLF provides process support and an enabling virtual infrastructure.

Member Interest Group (MIGs) share their output with the member community.


Virtual Platform

ECLF maintains a dedicated virtual platform which is strictly limited to members. It contains

  • Member profiles, including each member's personal background, their areas of interest, key data about their organization, and information about their activities, projects, and initiatives.
  • A database of strategic initiatives and established practices that provides insights about what is going on within our community in terms of interesting company projects, innovative programs, and successfully implemented practices. Initiatives and practices are searchable and allow for easy informal in-depth exploration and exchange among members.
  • A News Blog containing activities and developments that happen within our community.
  • A Discussion Forum where members can post questions, launch discussions, and exchange their ideas and perspectives on burning issues of the practice.
  • An Archive containing the documentations and all presentation slides from ECLF conferences and meetings, results of ECLF surveys, a video library, and more.
  • A video meeting room which can be reserved by members for virtual meetings and will be used for web-events featuring practice exchange or discussions with invited thought leaders.


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JEDP logo

Developing Leaders is a premier magazine on current thinking about leadership and organization, with about 60,000 subscribers from across the globe. Via our partnership, ECLF enjoys a dedicated section which regularly features practices from member companies and informs about ECLF activities that may be of interest for a larger community. For the most recent article click here.

Members receive a significant discount on print magazine subscriptions. To find out more, please contact the editor-in-chief Roddy Millar.

Ideas for Leaders logo

Business school research centers are hotbeds of game-changing new thinking which, until now, has largely remained buried in academia. Ideas for Leaders identifies the best and most usable of this work, and distils it into ready-to-action Ideas which can actually be implemented in the real world.

ECLF members get privileged access to this growing library of close to 700 “ideas”. Click here to download selected samples. To request a significantly discounted subscription please contact

L&D logo

On May 28, 2020 the 2nd edition of the Expofestival for Learning & Development will take place at the MVG Museum in Munich, Germany. Targeting the German and Austrian L/D Community, L&Dpro focusses on solutions and services related to HRD and Learning. ECLF members may attend at no cost.

Reflact logo

Reflact supports the design and development of strategic learning architectures through web-based software components that enhance collaboration,community-building, and self directed learning.

The company is ECLF’s strategic partner for the continuous development and maintenance of our virtual platform.